CFA, The Cavitating Fluid Analyzer, is a three-dimensional code for treating the complex wave propagation phenomena that occur during fluid cavitation. CFA fully accounts for the separation and subsequent closure of fluid volume regions during underwater shock events. In essence, CFA functions as a volume element processor utilizing an acoustic fluid formulation based upon the displacement potential. It avoids unnecessary degrees of freedom and uses an explicit integration scheme for transient response analysis. CFA treats wave propagation for small irrotational compressible motions with either linear or bilinear constitutive behavior for cavitating or non-cavitating fluids. Working in tandem with the Underwater Shock Analysis (USA) code, CFA conducts the anaysis of the fluid volume while the finite element code STAGS treats the structural system. CFA is written in FORTRAN 77 for both interactive and batch execution and operates in a variety of UNIX-based environments. Two versions are available from COSMIC: a single precision version for use on CRA series computers and double precision version.

Karen Newcomb

Information Analyst